Sewage Treatment Plant

Design, Technologies, Flow Chart, Parameters & Services offered in STP

Design & Technologies in Sewage Water Treatment Plant

Basically, to choose between technologies among the various available technologies & design of STP totally depend upon the source from which wastewater is generated, no. of working hours of plant & we parameters we want in output.

Some of the Major Technologies of STP are

Confused in Technologies? Consult Us!

We are consultant of water & wastewater treatment plant. We can suggest you the best technologies for treatment of wastewater to meet parameters that are set by State Pollution Control Board (SPCB) or national level authority like Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) of India. With ever increasing volumes of waste, its treatment and disposal is of penultimate importance. The most elegant solution to this crisis is sewage treatment plant. Atkins Enviro not only excels in manufacturing, but it also provides the most effective consultancy which solves client’s problem in most elegant way. Gone are the days of the age-old system of septic tanks and soak pits, with Atkins Enviro, find the new age solutions.

Atkins Enviro provides complete turnkey solutions along with fabrication, design, supply, erection, testing & commissioning of the plants. The designs offered range from Activated Sludge Process, UASB, MBBR, SAFF & MBR etc.

"Our innovative solutions have the quality of giving solutions which excel on:"

Reliability, low running costs, odourless, noiseless, water quality, fast commissioning, sustaining shock loads. It will also extend its consultancy to increasing the reuse and recycling of water available at premise.

Correct commissioning is vital to the satisfactory operation of any plant or facility and it is essential that sufficient time and resources be allocated to different stages of the commissioning and start up.

STP installed by us in various Industries

bettery_manufacturing Battery Manufacturing
institution_hospitals Institutions & Hospitals
food_industry Food Industry
iron_steel Iron & Steel Industries
electric_power Electric Power Plants
organic_chemical Organic Chemical Manufacturing
nuclear_industry Nuclear Industry
mines_quarries Mines & Quarries
petroleum Petroleum Refining & Petrochemicals
pulp_image Pulp & Paper Industry
textile_image Textile Dyeing

Parameters Set by Pollution Control Board before Discharging Effluent

After treatment of wastewater, before discharging it must meet all the parameters. The prescribed limit or acceptable level of concentration of impurities or pollutants is laid down by the local authorities such as municipality or State Pollution Control Board (SPCB) or Central Pollution Control Board of India. The final discharge of wastewater will normally be either into the body of water or onto the land. The receiving bodies of water may be streams, lakes, ponds, canal, rivers, seas, estuaries, etc.

Ministry of Environment & Forest Recommendations

SN Parameters Effluent
1 Ph 5.5-9.0
2 BOD ≤ 20 mg/l
3 COD ≤ 250 mg/l
4 Oil & Grease ≤ 5 mg/l
5 Total Suspended Solids ≤ 30 mg/l
6 Nitrogen ≤ 5 mg/l
7 Ammonia Nitrogen ≤ 50 mg/l
8 Phosphorous ≤ 5 mg/l
9 Total Coliform 1000 no./100 ml

Services in Sewage Treatment Plant

With the help of highly skilled professionals Atkins Enviro, delivers highly efficient sewage treatment plant services, thus ensuring ultimate customer satisfaction. The firm specialises in providing planned services and timely maintenance which are delivered at affordable cost.

We provide a range of services, which include: Consultancy, Plant designing, commissioning, installation and maintenance. All this is done by leveraging latest tools and techniques of the field.

Installation & Commissioning of Plant
Extension Work Of STP
Repair & Maintenance Work of STP
Chemicals and Media

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